IV Meetup IT – Mielec

1. „String Quartet” -PSM w Mielcu 17:00 – 17:05
2. „Gamification ” – Seweryn Stachowicz 17:05-17:30
3. „Near space near you-why you should explore the stratosphere”-Michał Słomiany 17:30-17:55
4. „Monitoring Windows and Active Directory using Wazuh and Zabbix”- Przemysław Dutkiewicz 18:00 -18:25
5. „DBT Cloud” -łukasz Noga 18:30 -19:00
6. „Are we all going to be bosses? – The state of artificial intelligence and how to use it” -Krzysztof Tańcula – 19:00- 19:25
7. „NIS 2 – new cyber security requirements: does it apply to my company?” -Tomasz Szczygieł

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