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III Meetup IT

Conductor -Seweryn Stachowicz ( Soft skils , Devops)

Quartet from the State School of Music I and II degree in Mielec, conducted by Zdzislaw Szymczyk

Cyber security, European Funds FENG 2021 – 2027 Włodzimierz Adamski

Cyber Security, TISAX – Tomasz Szczygieł

Azure Containers Apps Michal Machniak ( Evangelist of Microsoft Technology | Community Lead | Senior Ops | DevOps)

Databriks- practical application Łukasz Noga – ( BI /SQL )



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I Meetup IT Mielec

Link to agenda (registration form):

Abbreviated agenda:

(18:00) Welcoming the assembled guests Joanna Stachowicz
(18:05) Short concert performed by a string quartet from the State Music School in Mielec – Ryszard Kusek Ph.
(18:20) Lecture – “Information Technology in the Polish industry – development and current European Funds FENG 2021-2027” – Wlodzimierz Adamski Ph.
(18:35) Lecture and discussion – “Empathy in IT” – Seweryn Stachowicz
(19:30) Lecture and discussion – “Data Lakes” – Łukasz Noga
(20:00) Lecture and online panel – “10 years of living with the cloud – what have we learned from cloud deployments in Europe and the World!” – Michał Furmankiewicz

The event was held under the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Mielec – Jacek Wiśniewski.

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